Thursday, July 15, 2010

Little moments

Just thought I would share a tid bit from my nephew. :)

So, the day after I took a pregnancy test, my sister invited us over to celebrate. As we were getting ready to leave, I told Ronan to say bye. So he puts his hands on either side of my tummy and says, "Bye baby. I love you. I know you'll be safe!"

One of the cutest little moments!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our little family

Hey this is Yannie here! I've been thinking that maybe we should get a blog up, to reflect a portion of our lives, so here it is. :)

Michael and I are absolutely enjoying marryed life. From the hikes, to the swimming, to the just being lazy and hanging out together, we are always learning more about the other and realizing more why we fell in love.

So, come March our little family of two is going to expand into a family of three. :) We're pretty stoked about it.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy!