Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Baby news

I hit 13 weeks yesterday, and how did we celebrate?? We listened to the heartbeat. The baby wasn't too happy about the coldness of the jelly, and I felt her moving around for quite awhile after we got home. We get an ultrasound in about 7 weeks. YAY!!!! :)

Okay, that's all on the baby news.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Blessings-Hidden and not so hidden

So, Michael and I have been receiving blessing after blessing lately. Both big and small, hidden and not so hidden. It still amazes me how much Heavenly Father is trusting, guiding, respecting, loving us. It just seems to me that one day all this should just run out, but that's definitely not the case. Thank goodness.

I am so grateful for all we have been given, and all the help we have received. I know that there's a plan for us, even if it doesn't necessarily jive with what we have planned for our life. :) I'm amazed that Heavenly Father has put the people in our life that we need the most right now, and that they haven't turned their back on us.

Well, it looks like this is yet another short entry, but I have to run. :P Not literally. Well, kind of. Mostly I just have to go do some errands. Fun times...ish.